Health Benefits
Small measures can have a big impact. By quitting smoking you are significantly increasing your chances of living a longer life; in fact it takes just 20 minutes to make a difference to your health.
Small measures can have a big impact. By quitting smoking you are significantly increasing your chances of living a longer life; in fact it takes just 20 minutes to make a difference to your health.
The amazing thing about the human body is that it takes just 20 minutes to start noticing small health benefits.
20 Minutes - Blood pressure and pulse return to normal
1 Hour - Your circulation improves, your hands and feet feel warmer
8 Hours - Nicotine levels fall, circulation improves
1 Day - Lungs begin to work better, carbon monoxide removed from body
2 Days - Your taste and smell improves, Nicotine removed from your body
3 Days - Energy levels increase, breathing becomes easier
2 Weeks - Withdrawal symptoms begin to ease, walking and daily tasks become easier to do
1 Month - Withdrawal symptoms have stopped, breathing and energy levels continue to improve
6 Months - Risk of heart attack, cancer and other ‘smoking’ diseases begins to fall
Call 0114 5536296 (from a landline) or 07833048200 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm and Saturdays between 9am until 4.30pm