
Supporting image for Diane

D was admitted to the hospital on 31st August 2023 with severe COPD. Her condition required her to receive 15 litres of oxygen during the initial days of her admission. D recalls that the nursing team asked her about her smoking habit and later, she was visited by the QUIT team. Despite difficulties in conversing, the team successfully initiated her on NRT patches and discussed various support options to help her quit smoking.

D was subsequently referred to Sheffield Smokefree, where she continued her smoke-free journey using NRT patches and an inhalator. "David was so supportive," D said, praising her Smokefree Advisor. Later, she transitioned to using a vape but gradually reduced the nicotine to zero. Reflecting on her journey, D remarked, "I never thought I’d stop; I always enjoyed a cig. But being so ill, I just couldn’t go through that again." D received encouragement from her children and grandchildren. Her daughter even downloaded the Smokefree app, and D proudly shared that she has saved over £2,000 in the 9.5 months since her last cigarette.

Since becoming smoke-free in August, D noted a drastic improvement in her COPD. She now requires only one inhaler in the morning. She reports no longer coughing or wheezing, although she occasionally craves a cigarette. Despite these cravings, she confidently stated, "I’m amazed at myself that I did it—stopped smoking."