
Supporting image for Joe

The main reason I accessed the Yorkshire Smokefree service was for health benefits. I knew I could achieve 4 weeks smokefree as I had used Champix before but I never finished the course the first time round.

I found using Champix really helpful, it definitely helped me become smokefree. Apart from using Champix, seeing improvements such as whiter teeth and better breathing helped me to quit and stay smokefree.

Can't believe 13 weeks have gone by. It's so great not being a slave to the habit of smoking, I'm coping great now I've finished with the Champix. Once again thank you so much for all your help and support in this venture to quit smoking

My health has definitely improved in ways of breathing and oral hygiene, I haven't noticed any other improvement yet.

The current lockdown has helped me stay quit as I wasn't socially smoking, I didn't have to fight the urge when I was out.

I found accessing the service via the Telephone is easer and more efficient than trying to arrange a doctor's appointment!