John Darnbrough

Supporting image for John Darnbrough

What was your reasons for stopping smoking?

Health concerns.

Have you stopped smoking previously?

Some half hearted attempts. I had never stopped properly. You have to feel that it is the time and something you really want to do. This was the right time.

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?

No to be honest, but the spray made it possible.

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit and what did you use?

Yes, used the mouth spray.

How helpful did you find this?

Absolutely helpful. I’ve tried patches before but my skin is so sensitive. 100% helpful.

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smokefree?

Regular texts messages reminding you and pushing you forward. Also the weekly contact.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker / quit?

I have always enjoyed my food but with my taste and smell going back to how it was a long time ago, I enjoy food more and the smell of baking is amazing. It’s amazing how quick these changes hit you. There’s a lot more advantages than just health in quitting.

Has your health improved since your quit and if so, in what ways?

It has enabled me to cut down on sweet stuff as I no longer like the taste. I no longer get out of breathe going upstairs. Cutting the grass smells different – like when was at school.

It’s sad to think that I started in my 20s and my parents were so surprised when I started as I was really anti smoking prior to that.  

I have clean tongue now and don’t worry about breathing on other people.

What have you found helpful whilst accessing Yorkshire Smokefree service?

The ability to get the spray was the important thing. Its instant. They are definitely out of my price bracket. My advisor Sarah was really friendly and polite. I enjoyed talking to her. Knowing there is that safety net there, that I can contact someone helps. Its good.

Could you give us a quote about your experience of becoming smokefree that may help others to take the same step.

Don’t wait until you are having to stop because of health conditions. Do it sooner rather than later. Now I have seen that I can do something like that I am taking on other health challenges.