
Supporting image for Joy

What was your reason for stop smoking?

I just didn’t like it. No benefit. What does it give you? Doesn’t give you any benefits at all. It wasn’t me and it didn’t fit it with my lifestyle as it is. My child is aware, and children naturally do what parents do, and I want better for her.

Have you stopped smoking previously?

I had stopped smoking 12 years ago when I was pregnant last time.

Before your first appointment did you believe you would be successful?

I hoped I would, it felt like I could be successful just needed some encouragement.

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit?

Yes, I used patches

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke free?

Distraction at times I would usually smoke, for example, getting myself involved in something like reading news, answering emails, jogging. A change of my routines, for example, I wouldn’t smoke all day at work and then I changed the way I leave the building and the route home.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker?

Just smelling fresh. Being able to smell, regaining a sense of smell. And I am not relying on something.

Has your health improved since you quit and if so, in what ways?

Yes, massively. Started the jogging at the same time when I quit, and now I do 5k without stopping. My lungs had increased, I can breathe! It’s great being able to take in oxygen! It was hard going but well worth it.

What have you found helpful whilst accessing Yorkshire Smokefree service?

Attending session helped me to stay on track. I offloaded without realising and it helped me to stay focused upon leaving.