
YSF Client
What were your reasons for stopping smoking?
Encouragement from my friends and my financial circumstances changed.

Have you stopped smoking previously?
Yes. A long time ago, I stopped for a couple of years.

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?
I thought I would find it difficult, but I was determined to quit.
Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit?
How helpful did you find them?
I was very happy to use them. I hadn’t heard the best about them but was pleasantly surprised. They were a lot better than I expected.
Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke-free?
The support of friends and the service has been very helpful, encouraging and reassuring that I am doing everything right.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker / quit?
I can smell a lot more as I lost my sense of smell for a long time. I can smell and taste food a lot more.
What have you found helpful whilst accessing the Yorkshire Smokefree service?
The support from the service was great. I felt very supported and not judged in any way.
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