5 Minute Coffee Break - Where Do I Start?

Published at 05 July, 2021 08:09.

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Sometimes we put off doing things in our lives because we are not sure where, how or when to start. This may be the same for you with stopping smoking. How do you know when is the right time and what is the right way to go about stopping smoking for you? Taking 5 minutes with us to think about how, when and where you might begin your smoke free journey may make things seem clearer and help you take the first steps to becoming smoke free

Timing can be an important factor. Maybe you want to be mindful of other events that are happening in your life and work these into your stop smoking plan. Some people like to start on a particular day such as the weekend or the start of a new week.  Choose a day that you know will not be stressful to help make managing and handling any cravings to smoke much easier. Whichever day you choose this is the first day of your smoke free journey and a significant date in your diary. Sometimes choosing a particular day can help make starting your quit attempt seem more manageable and you will be more confident knowing it is the right time for you.

If you have chosen to quit with the help of nicotine replacement therapy, having your products to hand when you start and getting to know how best to use them before your quit day arrives will give you more confidence when you begin. Having a look on the Yorkshire Smoke Free Website at the videos of the products that are available and how to use them may help you prepare.

We have talked it through about how and when you might start but what about where? With a little planning and forethought, you can make the first day of your quit attempt seem not so daunting by thinking about where you will be and what kind of day you will be having. Some people like to choose a day that they will be distracted by other things keeping them occupied such as a busy work schedule.  You might plan a day with friends who do not smoke so they can support you. Treat yourself to a day out somewhere where you feel happy and fulfilled so you remember your first quit day as a positive experience and somewhere where you enjoyed yourself. This can be a positive reinforcing memory which will take you though the rest of your quit attempt and you can remember this on the days you may be struggling, giving you motivation to keep going! If being with other people is not for you then plan a day when you know you will be on your own so you can make a start with peace and quiet. There is of course no right way for everyone,  just your way that is best for you,  but sometimes it can help to get hints, tips and stories from other people and get their perspective and experiences which may inspire you to make your own start. You can have a look at these inspirational stories and quotes on the Yorkshire Smoke Free Website or our social media pages before you begin

Writing down the reasons you want to stop smoking will always be helpful before making a start and you can refer to this again if you are having a hard day. Prepare your home by giving it a spring clean, getting rid of any ash trays and lighters. Valet your car if this is where you smoke and hang up a gorgeous smelling air freshener. Pop in some mints or chewing gum in preparation. Buy in some healthy snacks if you will be at home or to take in your lunch box to work and have plenty of water to hand. Have little rewards ready even if it is just a smiley sticker on the calendar. Buy an eye- catching money bank ready for all the pennies and pounds you will have saved by not smoking so you can treat yourself to bigger rewards as you go along your quit journey

Be prepared, be confident and be determined to start and stay smoke free!